Camping Rozac is connected with major Europe cities through very well organized airline network. Airport Split* is only 3km from Trogir. There are some of direct flights for Split, although, if you fly via Zagreb, you will find many other options to reach Split. Ask your Airline Company about details (most of the European airlines companies have daily connections with Split throughout summer period). TUI Airways
If you are coming by the road, you have three choices (more information on the Croatian Automobile Club – HAK*):
1. Highway Dalmatina A1 – Croatian Highway Dalmatina A1 (the exit-Prgomet Highway).
2. Coastal road – Jadranska Magistrala. Beginning at Croatia’s north-western border follow
Jadranska Magistrala Road through the following towns before reaching Trogir:
Rijeka – Senj – Karlobag – Zadar – Sibenik – Primosten – Trogir – Camping Rozac
3. Middle Croatian Highway D1 – Beginning at Croatia’s northern border follow the D1 Highway through to the capital city Zagreb and then through to the following towns before reaching Trogir:
Karlovac – Plitvice (National Park) – Korenica – Gracac – Knin – Drnis – Trogir-Camping Rožac
Situated on the main land, near to the small stone bridge, Trogir bus station is one of “easy to find” places in Trogir. You can buy bus ticket for local lines (Split, Solin, Marina, etc.), inter city (Dubrovnik, Zagreb, etc.) or international lines (Austria, Germany, etc.).
From Trogir to Camping Rozac local bus nr. 44*.
For all information about bus lines, times of arrival or departure, tickets be free to contact PROMET-Split* in their office in Trogir.
Either in private arrangement or by organized connections with Italian coastal cities of Ancona, Pescara, Bari or Venetia. For ferry transfers, contact your Maritime agency for timetables or visit official web site of Croatian ferry company “Jadrolinija”.*
Šetalište Stjepana Radića 56, 21223, Okrug Gornji, Croatia
* links to other sites